Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Eucharist nourishes us on our journey

Students in Year 6 have been reading about The Last Supper. They have located the passages in The Bible by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

They have been looking at how some artists have represented this very important event.

Students were asked to draw their own version of The Last Supper and to write a description of why it was drawn the way it was.

As we have studied the unit, we have attended Mass on Wednesday morning to remind us that it is here that we are nourished.

Our unit concluded with the Mass on August 26 to celebrate, as a school, the upcoming important event in the history of the Catholic Church in Australia - Mary MacKillop's Canonisation - the time when Australia will have its very first Saint.

1 comment:

  1. Yah! Our first Saint. The Last Supper to me is important because it shows how much Jesus loved us.



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