Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Federal Election in the News

Australians are about to elect a new Federal Government to lead our country. Watch the videos from three of the political parties tying to get our vote at the bottom of this blog.

Links to three political parties:

Year 6 will be watching the news, listening to reports on the radio and reading the newspapers. During the next few weeks, Year 6 will be adding comments to this post about what they see, hear and read.


  1. number 36

    Who do you think will win the election
    Jullia Gillard or Tony Abott?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. we have got posters on our wall of Fiona Scott and David Bradbury

  4. I think that Labor will win because most women are going Julia Gillard so I don't think Liberal win because all the ads are so convinsing

    Number 7

  5. No. 26

    I would go for Labor because they are going to try to make it so we all can the internet for free

  6. I agree with no: 26 because tony abott is really sneaky and then he was going to cut medicare so I go for labour,.. 0.0'
    no:nine out


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