Sunday, July 11, 2010

Term 3 - New topics to investigate

During term 3, students in Year 6 will be investigating some exciting new topics including:
  • Local, State and Federal Government
  • Canberra, our Nation's Capital
  • Our body systems and keeping healthy
  • How the Eucharist nourishes us for the Journey


  1. I like how we are learning what Jesus did on his Journey because I find it interesting on what he took and how long he was on his Journey for.

    Number 7

  2. Hello number 16 here I cant wait.

  3. year 6 is great the wiki are alsome
    and the maths games on DS in year 6
    we use all different types of tech
    no. 30

  4. # 44 here just wanted to say how interested i am in our topic

  5. It is fun learning about Jesus.

    Number 52


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The Three Robbers