Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today we learnt about Personification! Here are some examples we made up:
  1. The night guides the sky to dark.
  2. The stars tell a story.
  3. The sun tells a story as the moon rises.
  4. The pen remembers to change his ink because he has been dancing so much.
  5. The branch dances in the cold wind.
  6. The leaves fly in the wind.
  7. The morning sun dances on the water.
  8. The sky listens to the sea.
  9. The clouds dream of where the wind will take it.
  10. The stone grows as big as the earth.
  11. The sad pen cannot dance. 
  12. The moon tells the sun how bright it is.
  13. The stone thinks about how much it has been hurt that day.
  14. The ground dreams of being untouched and cleared.
  15. The mountain looks at the morning sky and thinks how beautiful it is.
  16. The calculator dances with the pencil because it realises it is school holidays.
  17. The dawn guides the birds in the morning sky.

 Please add a comment below and tell us what you think each personification means. For example - "The book dreams of becoming a best seller" might mean that the book wants to be read by thousands of people.

Monday, April 19, 2010


This term, Year 6 are learning about the different types of energy. We will add information for you very soon.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What did we learn this term?

Things we learnt during the term:
  • What it means to be a leader.
  • Year 6 can be fun.
  • I learnt my timetables - 6 x 8 = 48
  • How to write a reading response.
  • Everybody is a leader.
  • Inverted operations and cows!!
  • How to sort out my emails in CEnet.
  • How to read pictures.
  • Mrs. S loves to dance.
  • Picture books are not just for little kids.
  • How to correct my work.
  • Antarctica has a flag.
  • How to write a bibliography.
  • The Euro is the currency of Vatican City.
  • You do not have to use Google when searching. There are other search engines.
  • Italy is shaped like a boot.
  • How to do a Readers Circle.
  • How to use PBworks.
  • Year 6 has a blog.
  • The name of Japanese currency.
  • How to create a voki.
  • People’s perspective of a teacher can be wrong.
  • Reader’s Circles is as easy as eating dinner. It is not as hard as I thought.
  • I found a link on CEnet to create a website where I can create a creature.
  • I learnt how to write a story.
  • I can write a lot neater than I do.
  • I learnt how to put a voki on PBworks.
  • I learnt how to create a video using Animoto.
  • Miss C taught us how to do patterns in Algebra.
  • I learnt what STaRS meant.
  • You can get a story from a picture just by looking at it.
  • How to use the IWB.
  • I know about the treble clef.
  • Reading isn’t too bad.
  • How to write a 50 word story.
  • Year 6 have a lot of responsibilities.
  • Miss C taught me how to write therefore in Maths.
  • Anything is possible with the year 6 teachers.
  • Mrs. S tells us she is good at everything but we know that is not true because she can’t draw!

    Welcome to our school

    The Three Robbers