Thursday, September 16, 2010

Enjoy reading some of our poems about Canberra

Love it

Want it
Will go

by Chloe

Canberra was really fun
And we went to the AIS
Nice place to go to
Beautiful place to be
Every place was awesome
Raiders rule
Amazing place to be.

by Adrienne

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Real Life Drawing

In class today we learnt about real life drawings. We discussed the importance of perspective and proportion for different objects. Below are some works in progress from some of our upcoming artists in 6NC!

6NC's Political Party Campaigns

In 6NC today the students had to organise themselves into different groups and design a campaign for their own political party. Below are some images of their Campaign posters and a summary of their presentation!

Group 1
Ahmad, Athena, Simone and Adrienne
Party Name: Sparkles Campaign
Our Aim: To have a safe country
Motto: Save our country!
Promises: Every child should have proper meals
Every child should have an education
Everyone should feel safe everywhere they are

Group 2
Sheriden, Amena, Anne, Chloe and Aman
Party Name: Dynamite
Our aim: Give Australian Citizens a fair go
Motto: Dynamite, always in Site.
Promises:Lower Bills
Free medical visits
Ban all small objects from child care centres

Group 3
Jordan, Jack, Thomas, Shaun, Tino Party
Name: D.E.P.T.S
Our Aim: To stop terrorist attacks around the world
Motto: Unite and Conquer
Promises: Better Airport Security
Better protection for people around the world
Better training and equipment for the army

Group 4
Blake, Yolanda, Abbie and Sophia
Party Name: Tru2U
Aim: To promote a country that is proud of its Auatralian identity
Motto: Tru2U
Promises: To allow same sex couples to adopt
To ban the Berka to ensure everyone knows everyone’s identities

Group 5 Brayden, Jacob, Ryan
Party Name: QU-EL
Our Aim: To let people be heard by the world
Motto : LOL – Learning ouside limits
Promises: Help the homeless
Get school children laptops
Feed the hungry
Reduce, reuse recycle
Work together
Free Wifi
Help people with money problems
Free life insurance
Save the planet

Well done 6NC. You did an amazing job working together and you all came up with some fantastic ideas!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Year 6 visit Canberra

Year 6 had a great time in Canberra. They visited:

Click on the hyperlinks to read about each location. Year 6 will be writing some comments about their excursion. If there are any below, please take the time to read them.

Australian Government assistance for National Capital excursion
Students from our school undertook an educational tour of the national capital. While on this tour they participate in a variety of educational programmes focussed on Australia's history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist you in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) programme toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. This contribution was calculated into the overall cost of the excursion.

We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program.

Welcome to our school

The Three Robbers